Fairy-Tale Mood
Fairy-Tale Mood
Fairy-Tale Mood
Fairy-Tale Mood
Fairy-Tale Mood

Fairy-Tale Mood

Concepts for games and creativity are ubiquitous and are suitable anywhere and everywhere.With a little bit of imagination any given mundane and normal activity can be painted with new colors – even a simple dinner!

Every dish tells a story! Become explorers and write your own fairy-tale with your child! Imagine how ripe fruits were warmed by the sunshine and then happily jumped into your shopping cart or how fresh milk cartons rushed into town. Or perhaps, all of your groceries came from a magical land, where kind locals make dinneres, specially prepared for such good children?

Allow your child to recognize her own unique character and the unique character of the surrounding world. Develop her imagination together with Peek-a-boo, and in the future, your child will be able to recognize beauty with ease paint the story of her life with bright colors.

The Little Prince
Words are<br> the source of<br>misunderstandings.
The Little Prince