We Are So Similar

The psychologist Gordon Newfeld claims that attachment is a multi-level phenomenon. In the second year of life, the child enters a new level: he aspires in every way to be like those who surround him.

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Fairy-Tale Mood

Concepts for games and creativity are ubiquitous and are suitable anywhere and everywhere.With a little bit of imagination any given mundane and normal activity can be painted with new colors – even a simple dinner!

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The Freedom of Choice and Flavor

We always treat the fruits of our own labor with special trepidation. We do so whether it’s a world record or a simple, home-made dinner prepared by hand. So why not give your child a chance to partially take care of her own diet?

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Исследовать и познавать

In playing, we explore the world, discover its new places, conquer our fears and simply become happier. Play with your child before you plan on eating and food becomes an incredible aspect of that new part of the world that you want to explore together.

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